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* email us if you like to update your profile!

  • Postdoctoral Researchers

Dong-Joo Kim, 김동주 (2015.03 - 2016.06) : Post-doctoral Researcher at Yale University

Ashish Kumar Thokchom (2016.09 - 2018.04) : Professor in India

Qitao Zhou (2016 - 2018, 2019) : Professor at Dept. of Material Science and Chemistry, China University of Geosciences

Qi Dong (2020.07 - 2021.03) : Senior Researcher @ SINOPEC, China (2021.09-).

Wu, Ronghui (2020.08 - 2022.05) : Post-doctoral Researcher at Duke University (2022.06.)

Rahul Mishra (2023.05 - 2024.02) : Back to India

  • Ph.D.

Minseok Kim, 김민석 (2010.01 - 2015.08, MS-Ph.D)

                              : Post-doc @ MIT >> Professor @ KIT, Korea.

Ji-Won Lim, 임지원 (2013.03 - 2018. 02)

                              : Post-doc @ KFRI >> Post-doc @ Northeastern University, USA (2020.02) >> ADD (2021.03-).

Dogyeong Ha, 하도경 (2013.03 - 2019.11, MS-Ph.D)

                              : Senior Researcher @ SEMES, Korea. (2019. 12-) >> SK On (2023.00-)

Jongwan Lee, 이종완 (2014.03 - 2020.08, Ph.D)

                              : Post-doc @ UNIST (2020.09-) >> Post-doc @ MIT (2022.-) >> Professor @ KSNU, Korea (2024.03-)

Kyunghun Lee, 이경훈 (2016.03 - 2021.02, Ph.D)

                              : Senior Researcher @ SEMES, Korea (2021.03-) >> Senior Researcher @ RIST, Korea (present)

Juyeol Bae, 배주열 (2016.03 - 2022.03, Ph.D)

                              : Post-doc @ Northwestern University, USA (2022.09-)

Jungyu Park, 박준규 (2016.03 - 2023.02, Ph.D)

Sangjin Seo, 서상진 (2018.03 - 2024.02, Ph.D)

                             : Post-doc @ UNIST (2024.03-)

  • M.S.

Sung Yong Park, 박성용 (2010.01 - 2012.02) : KISTEP, Korea

Yoonkwang Nam ,남윤광 (2011.03 - 2013.05) : ADD, Korea.

Mingjie Jia (2011.09 - 2013.08) : MIDAS, China.

Hyunmoon Nam, 남현문 (2012.09 - 2015.02), a company, Korea.

Janghyun Ju, 주장현 (2018.03 - 2020.02), Researcher @ UNIST --> Employee at Venture Company, Korea.

Youngchul Chae, 채영철 (2019.03 - 2021.07), AVACO Co. Ltd., Korea.

Yeonghun Jeong, 정영훈 (2019.09 - 2022.01), HYUNDAI MOTORS, Korea.

Dongjun Kim, 김동준 (2020.03 - 2022.02), a company, Korea.

Hwisu Jeon, 전휘수 (2021.09 - 2024.02), Ph.D candiate @ UNIST

  • Researcher / Administration Staff

Hye Young Hur (허혜영): Married!

Woon Sun Choi (최운선): Genolution @ Seoul, Korea.   

Ji-Hye Park (박지혜): Staff @ UNIST

Su Hyun Kim (김수현): A company at Daegu, Korea.

  • Undergraduates

Summer Internship (2009): 허정우, 서석빈, 신이슬 @ UNIST

URP 2010: 신이슬, 허지현, 박소영 @ UNIST

Young Mee Kim (UNIST): LG-electronics

Dogyeong Ha (UNIST): currently at ufnm lab. (2012 인턴쉽 최우수상 수상)

JaeMin Moon (UNIST): 현대차 (인턴쉽 우수상)

정경찬: 엘지

임정은: 유학

이찬민: 포스코

강상권: 현대차

김동형: 현대중공업

손동규, 김경환: LG display 

이성운: 현대차

​​김다현: KAIST M.S.

이성윤: Hyundai-genuine

박승환: SK

  • Exchange Students

Hong Xiaoqiang from University of Science and Technology of China (2010.09 - 2011.02)

Troy ("Nick") Grantham from The University of Michigan (2014.07 - 2014.08)

  • External Internship

RNE 2009 (한국과학영재고): 김상엽, 이호재, 이은세, 이세은 @ KAIST  (우수상 수상)

RNE 2012 (한국과학영재고): 김연주, 이현주, 박원정, 배지현 (포스터 장려상 수상)

RNE 2014 (한국과학영재고): 윤효상, 한충훈, 이도연, 선민규 (우수상 수상)

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