Ongoing Projects
Our group has been granted a new mid-career project so that we would continue micro/nanofluidics research for another five years from NRF (PI, 2020.03 - 2025.02).
중견연구자 - 유형2 (Mid-career Project, Type-II PI)
Soft/Hard 나노풀루이딕스 플랫폼 기반의 다중물리 전달현상 제어 및 모델링 (Soft/Hard Nanofluidic Platform-assisted Controlling and Modeling of Multi-physics Transport Phenomena)
2020.03.01 - 2025.02.28 (5 years)
Our BRL team has been granted another three years to continue our ongoing project from (2020.03 - 2023.02) from NRF
BRL : 급속·정밀 냉각 기반 신경 신호전달 모델링 및 제어 기초연구실
(BRL for Modeling and Control of Neuronal Signaling Using Rapid and Precise Cooling)- 2nd: 2020.03.01 - 2022.02.28
- Project PIs: 김태성 (UNIST), 김건호 (UNIST), 박정열(서강대), 이정철(KAIST)
Funding Sources
Project Completed
기초연구실 (Basic Research Lab, BRL) - 연구책임자 (PI, 3+3)
급속·정밀 냉각 기반 신경 신호전달 모델링 및 제어 기초연구실
(BRL for Modeling and Control of Neuronal Signaling Using Rapid and Precise Cooling)-
1st phase : 2017.06.01 - 2020.02.29 (competition-based renewal for 3+ years)
2nd: 2020.03.01 - 2022.02.28 (ongoing)
중견연구자 - 도약연구 (National Leading Research Lab., NLRL, PI)
나노 패터닝을 위한 “크랙-포토리소그래피” 공정기술 개발
(Crack-photolithography for Nanopatterning and Its Applications)-
중견도약(전략)연구실 사업 (구, 국가지정연구실 사업, 3+3+3)
2014.11.01 - 2017.10.31 (1st phase)
2018.11.01 - 2020.08.31 (2nd phase)
Moving to upper level mid-career grant (과제종료, 최종평가결과 S 등급)
중견연구자 - 유형2 (Mid-career Project, Type-II PI)
Soft/Hard 나노풀루이딕스 플랫폼 기반의 다중물리 전달현상 제어 및 모델링 (Soft/Hard Nanofluidic Platform-assisted Controlling and Modeling of Multi-physics Transport Phenomena)
2020.03.01 - 2025.02.28 (5 years)
10 years (4+3+3, competition-based renewal)
2011/05/01 until 2020.12.31 (4+3+3)
2014.11.01 - 2017.10.31 (1st phase)
This work is funded by Rural Development Administration via Systems and Synthetic Agrobiotech Center (SSAC)
한국부품소재등록센터 (Biological Part Registery)
BK21Plus, 인간친화미래기계시스템 인력양성사업팀 (PI) (2013.09 - 2020.08)
엔비에스티(주) 산학과제 (NBST Co. Ltd, Industry-Academia Cooperation Project for anti-counterfeiting application)
광입자 프린팅 기반 위조 방지기술 (Microengineered Photonic Crystal Patterns for Anti-counterfeit Applications
2019. 03. 01 ~ 2020. 02. 28 (12개월)
엔비에스티(주) (NBST Co. Ltd)
기계적 외부자극 기반의 숨김-감춤 전환가능 패턴을 이용한 위조방지 기술 후속
2020. 03. 15 ~ 2020. 09. 15 (6개월)
RNE 2009 (PI,한국영재고)
Active motility control of bacterial cells for relocating a micro-cargo (PI)
We are developing a method that can relocate randomly moving microbes to a certain point using a micro-/nano-fluidic technology. We are also working on a model which is able to describe the active motilty control mechanism.
This work is funded by KOFAC for 1 year from 2009/03/01.
Synthetic microbial pattern formation using a microfluidic device (PI)
We have been developing a microfluidic device that can generate a two-dimensional spatical and temporal gradient for forming synthetic microbial patterns with sub-cellular resolution.
This work is supported by UNIST from 02.2009.
Microfluidic Platform for Control and Analysis of Signaling/Metabolic Pathways of Synthetic Bacterial Cells (PI)
We aim to develop a multifunctional microfluidic platform for standarizing biological parts, which will accelerate the advancement of synthetic biology that has shown a dramatic potential for bio-fuel, eco-compatible foods, and organic materials. We will be able to enhance the efficiency of bio-refinery processes.
This work is funded by KOSEF for 3 years from 2009/05/01.
Biofilm and Biofouling Mitigation using Bacterial Predators (co-PI)
Collaboration with Prof. Mitchell and Prof. Kwon @ UNIST for 3 years
For this project, our group plays a key role in sorting and screening bacterial predators on a lab-on-a-chip using their food (prey) preference and various chemical compounds.
This work is funded by National Research Foundation for 3 years from 2009/09/01.
Bio-sensor using Microtubules (PI)
This project aims to develop a novel biosensor by using nanostructural characteristics of microtubules (MTs), which are one of cytoskeletons, because they can provide about 1600 binding sites/μm for target biomolecules. In addition, this biosensor is capable of selectively separating target biomoleculesFor fluorescently labeled biomolecules, functionalized MTs and bipolar electrodes enable separation and concentration in order. On the other hand, for label free biomolecules, functionalized MTs with target biomolecules pass over a nanowire so that the momentary conductance reduction of a nanowire causes I/V variation. Using these biosensing mechanisms, an ultra-sensitive (< femtomolar) nano biosensor will be developed. from a complex analyte by using the electrokinetic characteristics of MTs.
This work is funded by National Research Foundation for 3 years from 2010/05/01.
RNE 2012 (PI, 한국영재고): "Nanobead Assembly using a Materials Printer"
This work is funded by KOFAC for 12 months from 2012/03/01
URP 2010: 빛으로 조절되는 유전자 발현 반응기 개발
Developing a bioreactor that regulates light-inducible gene expression of E. coli
This work is funded by KOFAC for 6 months from 2010/03/01-2010.08.30.
"World Class University Program (WCU-type2)"
UNIST invited the following professors for 5 years from 2009.04 -2013.10.
Marc J. Madou, University of California, Irvine (Micro and Nanofabrication)
Seven Allan Soper, Louisiana State University (Bioanalysis)
Shuichi Takayama, University of Michigan (Biology and Micro/nanotechnology)
RNE 2013 (PI, 부산일과고): "Multi-compound Concentration gradients on a chip"
RNE 2014 (한국과학영재고, PI): "Study on Respiration of Aquatic Insects" (PI)한국영재고) (2014.03 - 2014.12)
LG전자 산학연구(2014.10.01 - 2015.03.31)
Cracking analysis
Experimental and Numerical Analysis and Microfluidic Application of Anomalous Ion Transport and Electrokinetic Fluid Flows Induced by Surface-patterned Nanoporous Materials (PI)
This project aims to understand anomalous ion transport and non-linear electrokinetic fluid flow phenomena through microfabricated nanoporous membranes surface-patterned on microchannels using various ion-selective materials. Both numerical and experimental approaches will be focused on to analyze ion concentration and polarization (ICP) and 2nd kind of electroosmosis flow phenomena to develop elaborately controllable ion-/fluid mixers, ion-/fluid pumpers, and ion-/fluid valves. These elementary components and fluid control mechanisms will be integrated into a novel, actively controllable, 2D-pixelated pH concentration generator system that has high potential in micro total analysis systems.
This work is funded by National Research Foundation for 3 years from 2012/09/01.
Biofuel Team, 기후변화 대응 기초원천기술개발사업단 (
Biofuel Project Team ( (co-PI)
Current techniques using bacterial strains to produce butanol have a limit of about 20 g/L, with typical results of about 13 g/L. Furthermore, many researchers want to use plant hydrolysates for fermentative purposes since they are a renewable source of sugars. However, hydrolysis of lignin results in numerous phenolic acids being produced, which are toxic to the bacteria. To answer both of these issues, this study will use microfluidics and toxicogenomics to develop novel reactors and study the effects of the hydrolysate compounds on several bacterial strains, respectively. Furthermore, genetically-modified strains will be constructed to provide enhanced butanol yields and productivities. This work is funded by National Research Foundation for 6 (2+2+2) years from 2009/09/30.