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A mini-review paper was published in BMB Report

Robert J. Mitchell†, Sung Kuk Lee†, Taesung Kim†, Cheol-Min Ghim*, Microbial Linguistics: Perspectivesand Applications of Microbial Cell-to-Cell Communication, BMB reports, 2011, 44(1) pp. 1~10. PDF

-- Inkjet printed bacterial cell patterns demonstrate that cells communicate each others. AHL-expressing cells that contain no fluorescence protein genes are printed together with control cells that constitutively express RFP to visualize their printed location. The AHL- expressing cells activate the cells printed in the upper left part of each letter to express GFP, resulting in brighter GFP signals. On the other hand, the cells printed in the lower right part of the diagonal line initially express GFP but their fluorescence intensities decrease with time because AHL molecules produced by and diffused from the AHL expressing cells inhibit the expression of GFP. These cells were sequentially printed and then grown on an agar surface containing nutrients to demonstrate synthetic bacterial cell-to-cell communication. 'UNIST' stands for Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology and 'μFNM" for Microfluidics and Nanomechanics Laboratory at UNIST. The images are approximately 5.0 mm by 1.2 mm in size.


Post date: Feb 3, 2011

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