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An abstract was accepted for oral presentation in Transducer'11 in Beijing China!!

Attachment: TRANSDUCERS'11 Abstract Results

Thank you very much for the contribution of one or several abstracts to the 16th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS’ 11). The Executive Program Sub Committee met 11-12 February 2011 in Beijing, China, and selected the abstracts for presentation from the tabulations and reports submitted by the Technical Program Committees. Of the total of 1652 abstracts submitted, we were only able to accept 45% (214 for oral presentation and 528 as posters).

The purpose of this e-mail is to provide rapid notification to authors of the results from the EPSC meeting. This is the re-sent of the notification. Please find attached a spreadsheet (PDF document) listing all the presentations by Reference Abstract ID Number. (This is the number you received when you registered your abstract on-line). You will find your abstract title listed there. You are the sole contact person for this paper. Please inform your co-authors of this notice.

It is mandatory that at least one of the authors of an accepted paper will come to present at the TRANSDUCERS’11 Conference in Beijing, China, June 5-9, 2011. We are sure that you will enjoy the technical program, meeting friends and colleagues, and experiencing the food, culture and sites of China.


TRANSDUCERS'11 Conference

Long-Sheng Fan

Technical Program Chair

National Tsing Hua University, TAIWAN

Technical Program Regional Co-Chairs

Mark Allen, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

Helmut Seidel, University of Saarland, Germany

Shuichi Shoji, Waseda University, Japan

Xiaohong Wang



June 5-9, 2011

China National Convention Center

Beijing, CHINA


Post date: Mar 3, 2011

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