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A Letter from the Scientific Committee of APCE and APLOC 2009 Dear Dr. Kim, On behalf of the Scientific Committee of APCE & APLOC 2009, we are very pleased to inform you that the abstract entitled “A Nanofluidic BioSensor using the Electrokinetics of Microtubules" you submitted to APCE & APLOC 2009 as the form of a poster has been accepted. Please prepare your poster in English (0.8m wide, 1.2m high). Conference organizer will select Poster Award winners. The journal of Lab on a Chip will provide a free 1 year subscription to the winner of the Best Poster Award (value approx $2000). We are looking forward to seeing you in Shanghai. Shiwei 2009-09-29 ====================================== Shiwei Secretary Microfluidics Research Group Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences 457 Zhongshan Road, 116023 Dalian, China Tel: 86-411-84379059 Fax: 86-411-84379059 Email: Post date: Sep 29, 2009

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