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Biosensors 2016 at Gothenburg, Sweden

Abstract submission is now open for Biosensors 2016 - the 26th Anniversary World Congress on Biosensors, 25-27 May 2016 in Gothenburg, Sweden.

The three-day programme consists of daily invited plenary lectures followed by parallel sessions comprising a rigorously refereed selection of submitted papers and posters. Selected oral contributions will be included as extended keynote presentations.

Abstracts are invited by 13 November 2015 on the following topics:

  • Biological fuel cells

  • Biocomputing

  • Commercial biosensors, manufacturing and markets

  • Aptasensors

  • DNA chips and nucleic acid sensors

  • Electronic noses

  • Enzyme biosensors

  • Immunosensors

  • Lab-on-a-chip, microfluidics and µTAS

  • Mobile diagnostics and tele-computing

  • Nanomaterials and nanoanalytical systems

  • Natural and synthetic receptors

  • Organism- and whole cell-based biosensors

  • Printed biosensors and organic electronics

  • Single-cell detection/analysis

  • Infectious disease detection

  • Personal health monitoring

We hope to welcome you to Gothenburg in 2016 and look forward to receiving your abstract.

Prof Anthony P F Turner, Linköping University, Sweden

Biosensors 2016 Congress Chair

Congress Committee

Loïc J. Blum, France

Man Bock Gu, Korea

Justin Gooding, Australia

Frances Ligler, USA

Arben Merkoci, Spain

Koji Sode, Japan

Xian-En Zhang, China

Post date: Jun 2, 2015

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